VermiCorp Organics, LLC ...Menasha, Wisconsin

Worm Castings Use Chart

How Much Worm Castings to Add to Soil, tilled 4-6 inches deep

This is good for a typical garden with most plants smaller than knee high. You'll wind up with about a 30% concentration if you use this many pounds (lbs) of worm castings:

Garden Width in Feet
 2' 36912151821242730384553606875
 4' 61218243036424854607590105120135150
 6' 9182736455463728190113135158180203225
 12'183654 7290108126144162180225270315360405450
14'214263 84105126147168189210263315368420473525
16'244872 96120144168192216240300360420480540600
in Feet  
 30'4590135180225270315360405450563 6757889001,0131,125
   75  150  225  300  375  450  525  600  675  750  9381,1251,3131,5001,6881,875
 *results in pounds of worm castings (lbs). Using more will increase soil richness. Most plants will grow LIKE WOAH in 100% worm castings.

8-12 inches deep ...multiple the above by 2

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Organic Gardening Grown USA

VermiCorp Organics, LLC • Menasha, Wisconsin

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